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Before we dive all the way into the Code, we are going to take a moment to improve your editor setup and overall productivity. Doing this now will make things much easier for you going forward. This lesson will give you some information about code style, and then give you some tools to help you maintain consistent code-style throughout your projects. In some cases it can even help adjust things like indentation for you! We will also introduce template repositories which can save you time setting up projects that share a lot of configuration with other projects.

Lesson overview

This section contains a general overview of topics that you will learn in this lesson.

  • Learn about style guides and why they are important.
  • Set up a linter and prettier to make your code better.
  • Learn what template repositories are and how to set one up.

Style guides

Code style is important! Having a consistent set of style rules for things such as indentation or preferred quote style makes your code more maintainable and easier to read. There are several popular JavaScript style guides on the net that set standards for these types of things, and a little time spent reading them will make you a better developer.

  1. The Airbnb Style Guide is one of the most popular. It is also very well formatted and easy to read.
  2. There is also a JavaScript style guide used at Google.
  3. The JavaScript Standard Style.


The style guides we mentioned above are full of really helpful advice for formatting, organizing and composing your code. But there are a lot of rules - it can be difficult to internalize them all. Linters are tools that will scan your code with a set of style rules and will report any errors to you that they find. In some cases, they can even auto-fix the errors! The following articles explain in more detail the benefits of using a linter while you code.

  1. This article on JavaScript linters gets right to the point… start here!
  2. Read this article that goes a little further by discussing exactly how linters do what they do.

There are multiple options for linting your JavaScript, but the most popular (and most common in the industry) is ESLint. Getting it installed and the initial set-up is straightforward.

  1. The official ‘Getting Started’ page is a good place to start. It covers installation and basic setup. The basic way to use this tool is to run the eslint command in your terminal with a specific file.
  2. There is an ESLint extension for Visual Studio Code with which you can get automatic lint highlighting for your files as you write, without you needing to rerun the eslint command every time. If your open workspace also contains an ESLint configuration file at the top level, the extension will automatically use those rules for that project.

ESLint v9 and flat config support

The above ESLint doc links take you to the docs for v9, which was released in April 2024. v9 came with a lot of big changes, including forcing all ESLint config files to use the “flat config” format (eslint.config.(m|c)js).

Because of these changes, some community plugins like eslint-config-airbnb-base (which makes ESLint use airbnb’s ruleset) have not yet been able to release a version that supports v9 or flat config.

For the time being, if you wish to use airbnb’s style guide with ESLint, you will need to use ESLint’s v8.57 version of the docs and make sure you use one of the older eslintrc configuration file formats, not the newer flat config format.


Prettier is awesome. It is similar to a linter, but serves a slightly different function. Prettier will take your JS code and then automatically format it according to a set of rules. Unlike a linter, it’s not looking for style errors, but specifically targeting the layout of your code and making intelligent decisions about things like spaces, indentation levels and line-breaks.

  1. Watch this short intro to Prettier by its creator.
  2. Go to Prettier’s online playground and give it a test drive. Go ahead and copy/paste some of your old JavaScript code into that editor and see what happens.
  3. Prettier has instructions for setting up and configuring the VSCode Prettier extension.

Using prettier makes coding faster and easier! You don’t have to worry about nailing things like indentation, or remembering every semi-colon because prettier will take care of those details for you.

Using ESLint and Prettier

We highly recommend that you install ESlint and Prettier and use them for all future projects. It will make your code easier to read, both for yourself and for anyone else looking at it.

For most people using the default ESLint ruleset, there will be no special setup needed apart from installing both of them.

Some community plugins, such as eslint-config-airbnb-base, turn on some stylistic rules that may clash with what Prettier formats. If you wish to use a plugin like eslint-config-airbnb-base and Prettier together, you will also need to install eslint-config-prettier which will turn off any of the ESLint rules that clash with Prettier. If you are using the default ESLint ruleset, you will not need this.

Template repositories

With the last few projects, you might have felt that setting up Webpack involved a fair few files and configuration, and that you may have had to look at what you configured before to copy and paste the configuration you want to reuse. You may also have noticed that whenever you create a new repository on Github, there is an option near the top for a Repository template.

This is where template repositories can come very much in handy. Any of your existing repositories can be converted to a template in its settings (right under where you can rename the repository, there is a checkbox for whether the repository is a template or not). If you check this box, congratulations, that’s all you need to do! Now when you go to create a new repository, the Repository template dropdown will have any templates listed for you to select. Selecting one will mean your new repository will be a copy of the chosen template, not an empty one!

If you find yourself reusing a lot of setup code for multiple projects, you can make a new repository with all of the setup code you need then mark it as a template. Now you can select that template when creating a new project repository to save time getting set up, letting you dive into working on the project itself sooner!

Knowledge check

The following questions are an opportunity to reflect on key topics in this lesson. If you can’t answer a question, click on it to review the material, but keep in mind you are not expected to memorize or master this knowledge.

Additional resources

This section contains helpful links to related content. It isn’t required, so consider it supplemental.

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